NTL Amiga-only signup instructions

This message contains a way for Amiga-only users to sign up to ntl's free internet service, without needing a CD drive or access to any other machines. If you know someone who may find this useful, please forward the message to them.

If you have any problems, e-mail me at:

1. TCP stack such as Genesis, AmiTCP, Miami etc. that can dial up using PPP.

2. Voyager 3.2, registered or demo, demo version available at:

Install it before continuing.

3.ntlworld PIN number This comes printed on the ntl CD you receive

4.ntl account number Either you are an existing telephone customer with ntl or you have stated you have a BT line when you requested the CD.

Sign-up Procedure :

1. Back up your TCP stack settings. For example, with Genesis, copy the folder AmiTCP:db to a floppy disk or elsewhere on your hard disk.

2. Make a new PPP interface in your TCP stack so that your machine can dial up to ntlworld's registration server. Use the following settings:

Telephone number: 08005190150
Username: p1autoreg
Password: 6661066
DNS server:

Leave all the other settings blank or as default. If you are using Genesis, set the Login Script to be 'Dial' then 'GoOnline'.

3. Dial up with these new settings to get connected to nltworld's registration server. There is a five minute timeout on this server so do the following procedure fairly quickly. (You can use 'Reload' in the browser later on to give yourself another five minutes.)

4. Open Voyager 3.2 which you installed earlier. Set it to load all images by default using the menu.

5. Go to the web address


6. Follow the link to the ntl signup page.

7. Enter your PIN from the CD label etc. and you should end up on a page that says "Verifying" with a single 'quit' button.

8. Go to 'View Page Source' on the 'Windows' menu and paste the following line:

in after where it says '' just below 'Verifying'. [For the interested - this works around Voyager-unsupported Javascript which is needed for the signup]

9. Click 'Apply Changes' and close the window 'Voyager Source View'.

10. Click the button 'Next Page' which should now be on the page, the next page should load.

11. Continue entering your details and whenever you get a page with just a single 'quit' button and no obvious way to proceed, repeat steps 8-10, inserting the code as before and clicking 'Next Page'.

12. At the end of the sign-up procedure you will get full TCP configuration/dialer details which you should print and write down on your CD sleeve (it's pink, so you won't lose it that easily).

12b. Edit the PPP settings in your TCP stack from the previous registration server values to the ones you have just written down. This will let you dial up to ntl's 24/7 free internet service.

Please note: it can take up to a couple of days for the authentication servers to be updated, so you can try dialling up with your new settings right away but the chances are you won't be allowed onto their server for at least a few hours.

If you follow the instructions exactly you should find you can sign up on the Amiga. If you have any problems, e-mail me at

andrewwest@ntlworld.com .

I hope this proves to be of use for some readers.

Andrew West